Club Bonspiels

    Sometimes clubs send us information on their bonspiels. If you're looking for an event to attend, you might find one here: 


    Dale Fanset Memorial Men's Bonspiel - Tillsonburg Curling Club  Info & Registration
    Diamond Skins Tournament - Milton Curling Club - January 18-19, 2025  Info  |  Registration
    Grandmothers and Over 50 Bonspiel - London Curling Club - January 22, 2025  Info  |  Registration
    Marilynn Carety Memorial Ladies Bonspiel - Ayr Curling Club - February 5, 2025  Info & Registration
    Rose Spiel - York-Newmarket Curling Club - March 1, 2025   Info  |  Registration 

    Member Login

    This site is integrated into our Jonas system. If you are a member of WGCC, you can log into the Members Area, by logging in here and clicking the curling Icon once logged in.


    50 Inverness Dr
    Kitchener, ON
    N2M 4Z9

    Contact Us

    [email protected]
    Reception: 519.742.2323

    Curling Office 519.744.1041 ext 227

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